Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My bestfriend Jackie

It's been me and this girl since middle school back in 2009 😌😳 I remember we didn't like each other but we ended up becoming friends then we just became close freshmen year. High school was pretty fun for the both of us we was in most clubs did almost everything together. Gotta say I thank go God for putting this girl in my life.
Gotta also say she's the best I know we fight over stupid stuff all time but we always get over it nothing we can't fix 😁

My day 1 Niggha 😁

I I still can't believe it's been a year now this guy has always keeped it real it's hard to find friends like that now days im glad he's in my life he always fun to be around with he always gots jokes or he just high and makes everything funny 😌